Hey Mama — What do YOU need?

It’s a question that may be difficult to answer. Often, moms feel that their focus should be on the needs of their families. However, parenthood is not a “one size fits all” experience, and you deserve support too!

The transitions throughout motherhood often challenge a woman’s concept of self, and can impact relationships. No mom should have to navigate this process alone.

We have options for focused workshops, consultations, or ongoing therapy.

This is about empowering moms as individuals, beyond motherhood, and about ensuring success for couples as they transition from partners to parents.

We help moms identify what they need to support their sense of

self, health, connection & environment.

Vital, Virtual Support for Moms Like You

NEW!! Training for perinatal professionals

In conjunction with The MotherLoad Collective, we are offering a training for professionals called Foundations of Working with the Perinatal Population and we have a new Perinatal Mentorship Program.


Workshops for Couples

We have a postpartum preparation workshop for couples. Clarifying goals and expectations can make the 4th trimester a smoother transition!

Upcoming workshops:

*Preparing for the Return to Work/Sharing the load

*Getting your groove back


Personalized Services for Individuals/partners

Therapy sessions and/or consultations can be the ideal option for a personalized focus on what you need.

Your Mom Pod is committed to supporting Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion within our groups and strive to be a safe space for all.

The process of becoming a mother is called “matrescence,” and no mom should have to navigate the journey alone.

The physical, mental, and emotional changes that come with parenthood are REAL!